6 Strategies for Creating Engaging Blog Content

Are you ready to WOW your blog readers, rank in the search engines, and boost social shares of your content for more visibility? Sharing compelling blog posts that resonate with your target audience, and solving unique problems, is a sure way to increase brand awareness and attract quality prospects to your brand.

There are steps you can take to ensure your blog posts meet your desired objectives while keeping readers interested in your content. Check out these six tips for creating amazing blog content…every time!

1. Speak Directly to Your Target Audience

When crafting your blog posts, write as if you’re speaking directly to them. Use the same conversational tone you would as if it were a face-to-face interaction. Your audience wants to relate to you and craves authenticity in your content. Relaying your message in a way that fosters relationships and connections gives you that competitive edge.

The best approach in creating blog posts that speaks to your target audience is by developing buyer personas, a process that helps hone your ideal customer, providing a clear picture of exactly who your customer is and the pains, challenges, questions, and obstacles they have. The goal of your blog content is to be “the answer” to solving these pains, positioning your brand as a “go-to source” in your niche.

2. Include Best On-Page SEO Tactics

Implementing sound SEO practices greatly improves your ranking in the search engines and being found by potential customers. The good news is that you can easily incorporate these tactics for better search visibility. Use the following as a checklist for best on-page SEO tips:

  • Use a long-tail keyword and one that your audience is actively searching for
  • Include your keyword within the first 100 words
  • Start title-tag with your keyword
  • Use SEO-friendly URLs
  • Leverage outbound links to related pages
  • Don’t forget to add 2-3 of your links within your post
  • Use your keyword for your image file name, alt tag, title, description and d caption
  • Aim for long-form content of 1500 words or more…it performs better on Google

3. Ramp Up on Visuals

Articles with an image once every 75-100 words got double the number of social shares than articles with fewer images (Source: Hubspot). Another route to amazing blog content is using visuals to complement your text to enrich the website experience. In lieu of sharing detailed data, embed an infographic that easily conveys the message. Use images to make your content colourful and appealing.

Finally, including videos is a winning strategy to quickly capture your viewers’ attention and get them to take action. Using a variety of visual content helps you connect with different learning styles and preferences, expanding your reach and influence.

4. Create Matching Content Lead Offers

A killer tactic to increase lead conversion rates with your content strategy is by having a lead offer (i.e. eBook, checklist, whitepaper, video series) that aligns with your blog content. You see, your viewers are already interested in the topic they’re reading. Why not have a lead magnet that matches the content your reader is already engaged in to add value, enrich their experience, and grow your subscribers in the process? Quality-rich sites like CoSchedule and Backlinko are notorious for offering downloadable content bundles that delve deeper into the subject matter for greater understanding and implementation.

Particularly for your popular blog posts, create a content lead offer that supports the article your audience is reading. If the topic discusses “10 Ways to Grow Delicious Tomatoes”, your lead magnet could be a cookbook or list of recipes that use tomatoes as the main ingredient.

5. Ask for Engagement

Did you know that email subscribers are 3 times more likely to share your content via social media than visitors from other sources? Additionally, by leaving a call-to-action (CTA) in your blog post telling viewers what to do next, you significantly increase responsiveness or click-through rates.

Therefore, simply ask for engagement. When sharing your blog posts with your list, use a plugin like ClicktoTweet that encourages subscribers to publish your content to their social networks. Within the actual blog post, be sure to give clear directions that move viewers along to the next step. You’ll be amazed at how this simple request can get viewers more involved in your message.

6. Leverage Interactive Content

It’s said that interactive content is the future of content marketing (Source: Jeff Bullas)! The benefits of leveraging interactive content are multifold including attracting your audience, boosting site traffic, and improving conversion rates. These engaging content pieces keep people on your site longer, thus bettering SEO ranking.

Consider adding interactive content types like quizzes, survey polls, games, calculators, and interactive slideshows to enhance your blogging. Surveys are great because you can use this data for market research to improve your strategy and customer experiences.

Maintaining a blogging cadence is vital to attracting fresh visitors to your site and increasing brand awareness. Utilize this checklist to bolster your inbound marketing strategy, boost your online presence, and keep viewers responsive to your content. Having it near during your blog creation process will aid in publishing content that gets in front of your ideal market and promotes user engagement.