11) What should be the approach for effective Pay Per Click campaigns?

About Us Forums 32. Latest Trend in Digital Marketing 11) What should be the approach for effective Pay Per Click campaigns?

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    For effective Pay Per Click campaign, you need to do following things

    • Add more PPC keywords: By adding more keywords that are relevant to your business, you can expand the reach of your pay per click
    • Split Ad groups: By splitting up your ad groups into smaller and more relevant ad groups, you can improve click-through-rate (CTR)
    • Review costly PPC keywords: Review expensive and under performing keywords
    • Refine landing page: To align with individual search queries modify the content and call-to-action of your landing page
    • Add negative keywords: To improve campaign relevancy and reduce wasted spend, add non-converting terms /negative keywords. ( When search with that keyword, it will not show your website/content)
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